Legal Process Offshoring

Legal Process Offshoring

Lawyers Aren’t Form Fillers

Lawyers are trained to be critical thinkers, strategic advisors, and advocates – not form fillers.
Legal Tech Company
July 14, 2024
5 min read

A lawyer’s career journey begins with years of rigorous education and training. All too often, once these highly skilled professionals enter the profession, they find themselves bogged down with administrative tasks that don’t fully utilise their expertise. At Legal TechCompany, we believe that lawyers should be doing what they do best – practising law, not filling forms.

The Disconnect: Education vs. Reality

From mastering the intricacies of the law to honing critical thinking and analytical skills, becoming a lawyer is a significant investment of time, effort, and debt. Lawyers are trained to think critically, analyse complex situations, provide strategic advice, and advocate for their clients. However, when they enter the industry, the reality can be quite different. Instead of engaging in intellectually stimulating and impactful work, many lawyers find themselves spending a significant portion of their time on administrative tasks.

These tasks, though necessary, are not where lawyers add the most value. Sitting on hold to third parties like Medicare, filling out forms, and performing data entry can take up a large part of a lawyer’s day.This not only leads to frustration but also represents a missed opportunity for firms to leverage their lawyers’ full potential, both intellectually and financially.


The Solution: Leveraging Offshore Staff

This is where Legal Tech Company comes in. We provide offshore staffing solutions that free up lawyers’ time to focus on more impactful and rewarding work. Our highly skilled offshore staff can handle the administrative and routine tasks that consume so much of a lawyer’s time, allowing them to focus on the strategic, high-value activities that truly require their expertise.

More Time for Impactful Work

By offloading administrative tasks to our offshore team, lawyers can spend more time on activities that generate fees and add value to their clients.

Lawyers can devote more time to researching, drafting complex advices, and preparing for court appearances. This not only improves the quality of their work but also enhances client satisfaction. 

Building and maintaining strong client relationships is essential for any law firm’s success. With more time available, lawyers can engage more deeply with their clients, understanding their needs and providing tailored legal advice.

Growing a law firm requires strategic thinking and planning. Lawyers can use the freed-up time to develop new business opportunities, network with potential clients, and contribute to the firm’s growth strategy.


The Reward of Doing What They Love

Lawyers are trained to be critical thinkers, strategic advisors, and advocates – not form fillers. They chose this career to make a difference, to solve complex legal issues, and to advocate for their clients. By partnering with Legal TechCompany, law firms can ensure that their lawyers spend their time doing what they love and what they are best at. This not only leads to higher job satisfaction but also drives better outcomes for clients and the firm as a whole.

If you're interested in learning more about Legal Tech Company’s offshore staffing services, we’d love to chat!

Legal Process Offshoring

The Ten Commandments of Offshore Staffing for Law Firms

Hiring offshore staff doesn't guarantee success for your practice. To fully realise the benefits, you need to implement a number of rules.
Legal Tech Company
July 2, 2024
5 min read

Hiring offshore staff doesn't automatically guarantee success for your practice. To fully realise the benefits, it’s essential to implement a number of practices organisation-wide.

1. Demonstrate Strong Leadership

Overcoming organisational pushback requires strong leadership. Show your staff how offshore team members can alleviate their pain points, allowing them to focus on fulfilling, intellectually stimulating work. After all, they didn’t study for years to fill out forms or sit on hold chasing up records.

2. Embrace Technology

Law firms can use offshore staffing as a springboard for organisational change. Too often, practices get stuck in a negative feedback loop of “but this is how we’ve always done it”. Your competitors are leveraging technology to do “it” better. Better tech means better outcomes for your offshore team.

3. Use a Comprehensive Platform for Attendance Management

Visibility into your team’s attendance is crucial for effective staff management; this isn’t about trust, but rather about ensuring that your practice’s resources are being properly deployed. Plug, our proprietary staff management platform, gives you this visibility on your staff’s schedule, even when you’re not physically with them. Best bit? Plug comes free of charge for all clients that utilise staff provided by The Legal TechCompany through its sister company, The BPO Company.

4. Outlook Isn’t a Task Management Platform

Seamless integration of offshore staff into your onshore operations requires effective task management. Relying on email for task management can lead to miscommunication, inefficiency, and poor outcomes. Guess what? Plug offers a comprehensive solution for managing tasks as well.

5. Knowledge Is (Your Firm’s) Wealth

When was the last time your Knowledge Database was reviewed? Quality control and repeatability hinge on well-documented processes. We alleviate this burden from law firms by having Senior Business Analysts document processes and draft manuals in consultation with you. These manuals remain your property and are stored securely in Plug.

6. Hire the Right Staff

Finding the best talent is a challenge for law firms, no matter the location. We prioritise identifying the brightest minds to set you up for success. Our rigorous hiring process ensures that your firm has a skilled and reliable team ready to meet your specific needs.

7. Integrate Staff into Your Onshore Operations

Making offshore staff feel part of the team is essential. Personal interactions, such as travelling to meet your offshore team, can foster a sense of inclusion. We have some great restaurant recommendations for restaurants in Manila.

8. Communicate Regularly and Effectively

True success comes when it feels like your geographically separate team members are in the office with you. Regular and effective communication is the backbone of successful offshore staffing for law firms.Keeping open lines of communication ensures that everyone is invested in your firm’s success.

9. Choose the Right Provider

The Legal Tech Company is dedicated to resolving the age-old pain points faced by law firms. As a lawyer-owned and operated company, we understand the intricacies of how law firms work. Choose a provider who has been at the coalface and deeply understands your needs.

10. Delay is Deadly

There's not a better time to take steps to establish an offshore presence for your law firm. Let's get the ball rolling. Book in a 15 Minute Discovery Call with Legal Tech Company today.

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